About Us

Grand Canyon Women of the ELCA is a partner organization of the Grand Canyon Synod of the Evangelical Lutheran Church of America. The geographic area includes all of the state of Arizona, the southern area of Nevada, including Las Vegas and also St. George, Utah.

The Grand Canyon Synod is proud to include one of the great wonders of the world, the beautiful Grand Canyon National Park. The beautiful and bountiful Colorado River runs deep through the territory, bringing life giving water to the Sonoran Desert. Demographics include big cities (Las Vegas, Phoenix and Tucson), as well as small rural ranch towns. The temperatures vary from snow in the mountains to the warm climates in the deserts.

God has blessed the Grand Canyon Synod with many special wonders.  The most important blessings are the fantastic women who have devoted their lives to being the hands and feet of Christ in this part of the world.

Grand Canyon Synod is divided into eight (8) conferences.  Each may have a Conference Planning Team who coordinates and plans activities for the women in their geographic area.

In addition, several committees currently chaired by members of the synodical board are working with women from around the synod to help women, their friends and families grow in their faith, helping women affirm the gifts God has given them, and working on ways to help support one another in our callings and together engage in ministry and action, to promote healing and wholeness in the congregations, the communities in which we live, and around the world.

The women of Grand Canyon Synod are acting boldly on their faith in Jesus Christ because they know they are “Embraced by Grace.”

2023-2025 Board

Executive Committee Members

Chair: Laura Krueger, Peace/Peoria – Cactus Conference  (Email Laura)
Co-Chair:  Gail Turner, Faith/Le Fe/Phoenix – Capital Conference (Email Gail)
Secretary:  Lisa Sherry, Sierra Vista/Sierra Vista – Kino Conference (Email Lisa)
Treasurer: Jenell Zweifel, Holy Spirit/Las Vegas – Colorado River Conference (Email Jenny)

Board Members

Shari Moehling:  Community Lutheran/Las Vegas – Colorado River Conference
Adriana Flores Cuadras:  Faith/Le Fe/Phoenix – Capital Conference