You Can Be a GC WELCA Fashionista!
These beautiful t-shirts were unveiled at the WELCA Grand Canyon Synod Board meeting held at Streams in the Desert, Tucson awhile back, and are still available for $10 when purchased at our Synod events, until our supply is depleted, or order online for $15 which includes shipping costs. You can now order them online and pay by credit card (below) or order by mail and pay by check (make check payable to Women of the ELCA-GCS) through our President (email your pay by check request to
With ‘Embraced by Grace’ being the theme, the shirts were designed to highlight the beautiful mountain scenery of the Grand Canyon, the blue waters of the Colorado River and the native saguaro, found only in the Sonoran desert. The light weight, pre-shrunk cotton (great for summer), with a V-neck (making one look taller), and black background (making one look thinner) is the perfect addition to your wardrobe. As a Lutheran, wearing the shirt will give you the perfect opportunity to talk about and share your experiences as a WELCA Fashionista. The shirts have also been known to enhance your enthusiasm for the faith and grace in your own life!
All this for a very reasonable price. (only one Small size remains). Proceeds benefit our WELCA scholarships.